Meeting Notes 2022 11 15
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These are the notes from the The 700th (WOW!) Meeting of Noisebridge.
- Live notes
- Virtual Meeting (jitsi mic/cam off by default)
Date: 2022_11_15
Note-takers: Rajah
Moderators: Mark, Rajah
Introductions[edit | edit source]
David - game designer, modeling, etc Rajah - interested in games, setting up NB home assistant project Jordane - getting into hardware hacking and physical projects! looking forward to getting to know the community! Guy/Rugyoga - 3D printing! Elan, been at NB ~2 years ML AI wiki stuff and NB infrastructure, and graffiti art LX - also game dev, I do signage and wiki and infra stuff as well Mark - 3rd game dev of the meeting, secretary stuff as well
Excellence[edit | edit source]
Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other. What comes to mind is: doing things that other people appreciate! Don tnecessarily have to do anything, but its also kind of what you don't do. Respect peoples' space, time, and attention!
Not just minimally getting along with eachother, but maximally HELPING eachother be the best we all can be. Things can still get rough, so we have policies/procedures related to harrassment/conflict resolution. See wiki.
Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]
Gmebridge happens Wednesdays! David is interested in doing gamedev related stuff all day, like starting at noon. Specializing in Blender/Modeling stuff.
3D printer room is now tidied! *ppl claps*
CodeDay is happening Saturday! Students will be around doing code projects! Volunteers probably still needed? reach out to @shubthebub with questions?
Saturday is return of the "Wiki weekend workout" 11-2. A mixture of content editing projects and tools work/ programming.
Guilds[edit | edit source]
- What are guilds - briefly describe (much like the previous section on "Excellence")
Guilds are user groups at noisebridge. Often associated with maintaining sub-spaces within noisebridge and sets of resources. Or they are just subcommunities with a shared interest!
- Do any guilds have any announcements they'd like to make?
New Members/Associate Members[edit | edit source]
What are they? Is anyone trying to become a Member or Associate Member? If not move on. No long discussions.
Rajah is applying for associate membership! Needs a Member sponsor still!
Financial Report[edit | edit source]
Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.
- Funds in bank:
- Noisetor (See the bulletpoints at the bottom of
- Any other details by those participating in handling our financials
- The latest financial reports from the treasurer are available at
We are still cash flow negative, need to make more money on the reg!
Spending Needs[edit | edit source]
Gotta spend money on XYZ (i.e. Gate, wiring etc.). WHO CAN SIGN THE CHECK OR LEND THE CREDIT CARD!?!?! It doesn't matter if we agree to do something and it can’t be paid for.
We want to build the noisecurtain to help reduce woodshop noise! (And dust, etc) Can we agree we should spend like a few hundred bucks to buy some curtains?
Does anyone not consent?
LX - I can get curtain fabric, but someone else needs to make sure mounting is all good and doesn't violate safety code, etc. Basically handle the physical element of it all.
People will make a noisecurtain channel on slack and get ppl involved in the process.
Rajah - some ppl come and need an arduino or raspi etc. Maybe goes halfsies with these people on them and keep the devices on site, so they are technically still NB property but ppl can "buy" them for cheap.
Mark - we have a bunch of arduinos in the CHM locker. I'll see what we can do with those.
Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]
How's it all going $67 from last wednesday's music show.
CodeDay is maybe going to donate some of the proceeds to NB? Mark will check in with Shub on that.
Big C Consensus Items[edit | edit source]
Nobody likes 3 hour meetings, only explain if people ask.
Consensus Items [edit | edit source]
None this week!
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Rocket Art[edit | edit source]
Elan - I have this 8 foot tall rocket that I think looks pretty cool and I think NB needs more stuff on its walls. Anyone object?
No objections.
BTW, let's reinstate SPACEBRIDGE!
Thanksgiving[edit | edit source]
Mark - Who isn't going to family and wants to do Thanksgiving at NB?
Loren was talking about doing something potentially? Maybe a volunteer thing also?
LX - we've done stuff with Food Not Bombs in the past. Maybe again?
Mark - would we like to do a potluck at NB as well? (some people say yes) Okay, I will post about it in the discord.
Do-ocratic Task Board[edit | edit source]
Participation also means doing stuff to contribute to the space. Propose new tasks or pick some tasks from Github, from what needs to be done around you, or whatever, and see if someone will sign up to work on that task. Anyone can sign up and it's a great way to show you are contributing!