Meeting Notes 2024 10 01

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Meetings#2024 | Consensus · Items · History | Events: NB15Q | Open Sauce 2024 (Open Sauce) | Artspan24 | Maker Faire 2024 (Maker Faire) | Sunday Streets | Reboot24 V · T · E

These are the notes from the The 781st Meeting of Noisebridge.

Date 2024 10 01
Note-takers Cloud, Loren
Moderators Loren

Cloud who somehow got stuck with notes >:c

Previous Meeting Special:EditPage/Last meeting Next Meeting Special:EditPage/Next meeting
  • Sewing classes are restarting
  • Surprisingly light meeting, seemed to compete for attention with the VP debate.
  • Discussion to undo 86es -- or one particular 86 -- sought

Meeting Summary[edit | edit source]

  • Fundraising Update: -
  • Announcements:
    • Ableton class, announced online, Sunday upcoming. Michael (firsttime)?
    • Ken - Wall - the configuration of the wall will be as originally done by JD. L-shaped, with a hallway not boxed in.
      • Security -- it's too easy to add someone as a member, and not a guest.
    • Ellen -- will have a repair and maintenace class for domestic machines. Looking for a date on the calendar.
      • Fabric store around the corner -- going out of business sale.
    • We should stock up, we'll need to stock up on good quality thread now that it won't just be around the corner
    • It's time for an awning. canvas
    • Games - Mark can not host gamebridge tomorrow due to illness.
    • Ellen - grant class date posted? / getting closer -- will be middle of the week.
    • Ellen -- the domestic machine repair class -- will lead up to sewing room sale of excess machines. Time to make space.
  • Finances: will give next week, not all accounts closed -- had to lead the meeting instead of accumulating numbers
  • New members: -
  • New associates: -
  • Consensus Items: -
  • Discussion Items:
    • A process to undo 86s, Ken raised -- discussion seeking to bring back Sam Green -- 86 page documents mediation-request process.

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Ask people to share their name, access needs, and preferred gender pronouns what they do at noisebridge
  • Loren - run an infrastructure meetup on mondays, help with treasury here, reporting finances tonight, and
  • Michael -- first time here, learning how to sew. Works at bike shop in city???
  • john software - scaleAI - composed inner workshop for sundays? once a week or couple of weeks. come here, because just proposed a few days ago - fast - set up - come here :D
  • Cloud - who does 5mof stuff
  • Ken - came here to change the direction of my professional career, stayed to do everything else
  • Mohammed - hanging out here
  • JD -- hi I'm JD I do shit
  • Ellen -- only half here -- listening to the VP debate, it's really juicy right now they're yelling
  • Asher -- I used to live right down the street from the lab there, 16th and market, just trying to stay and connect with people, work in silicon valley

Short announcements and events[edit | edit source]

  • Michael (firsttime) -- hosting an Ableton class, announced online (does he need help advertising his class?)
  • Ken - Wall - the configuration of the wall will be as originally done by JD. L-shaped, with a hallway not boxed in.
    • Ellen -- will have a repair and maintenace class for domestic machines. Looking for a date on the calendar.
      • loren suggested posted the events on a sewing-specific portal, we should follow up

  • Security -- it's too easy to add someone as a member, and not a guest.
  • Fabric store around the corner -- going out of business sale.
    • We should stock up, we'll need to stock up on good quality thread now that it won't just be around the corner
  • It's time for an awning. canvas
  • Games - Mark can not host gamebridge tomorrow due to illness.
  • Ellen - grant class date posted? / getting closer -- will be middle of the week.
    • Ken -- willing to pick up teaching one
    • Ken -- let's make useful stuff
    • Ellen -- the domestic machine repair class -- will lead up to sewing

Brief Kudos[edit | edit source]

Recent examples of excellent behavior, say 3, unless the passion moves you.

Kudos to Zach -- for setting up ArtSpan. Hopefully something a little more organized next time. Kudos to helpful attendees of infra meetup who helped take out the trash last night

Excellence[edit | edit source]

Our One Rule is to Be Excellent to Each Other. (On first Tuesdays, seek a few definitions. Other Tuesday, give a 1-3 sentence summary.)

What does that mean? Please see our page on excellence!

Anti-Harassment Policy & Community Standards of Excellence[edit | edit source]

Noisebridge has an Anti-Harassment Policy Everyone is expected to follow the Anti-Harassment Policy, please familiarize yourself with it.) TWO MINUTES MAX More approachable & specific guidelines, is one way to quickly raise issues which will be seen by people in Slack.

Guilds[edit | edit source]

  • What are guilds - briefly describe (much like the previous section on "Excellence")
  • Sewing -- ellen has scheduled some classes, hopefully we have enough teachers for them. Ken may help with

New Members/Associate Members[edit | edit source]

What are they? Is anyone trying to become a Member or Associate Member? If not move on. No long discussions.

  • We consider everyone who walks through the door to be empowered to contribute excellently -- until demonstrated otherwise.

Financial Report (first Tuesday of month only)[edit | edit source]

Anarchist societies under a capitalist state need money to survive and thrive, yo.

  • Running meeting haven't compiled yet -- we'll have straggingly numbers coming in from services for the next few days too
  • Monthly revenue, expenses. Big projects. Big fundraising events. Reserves in bank.
  • Any other details by those participating in handling our financials
  • The latest financial reports from the treasurer are available at

Spending Needs[edit | edit source]

Gotta spend money on XYZ (i.e. Gate, wiring etc.). WHO CAN SIGN THE CHECK OR LEND THE CREDIT CARD!?!?! It doesn't matter if we agree to do something and it can’t be paid for.

Fundraising Update[edit | edit source]

How's it all going

Big C Consensus Items[edit | edit source]

Nobody likes 3 hour meetings, only explain if new people are present.

Consensus Items [edit | edit source]

Only for talking about Big C consensus items, small c consensus items should be discussed with people at the space at the time of the change/new item.

Discussion Items[edit | edit source]

Template... [num]: [topic-short][edit | edit source]

From/Raised by: Seeking: decision/outcome/advice/[?] On topic:

(discussion item) 1: [topic][edit | edit source]

  • From/Raised by: Ken
  • Seeking: decision
  • On topic: re-instating former members who have been ousted from the space.

Loren: we have a process -- email, per

Ken: we should have a way of having members come back

Cloud: only for some people -- some people make others feel deeply uncomfortable -- driver people away from the space.

Cloud: I understand being sympathetic to have one pope

Elle: I have to agree with cloud -- some of the folks I've seen 86'd -- were very popular interally, but they did some real harm to the community, the drove others away, caused real costs to the community

Cloud: there was a time when I couldn't come to the space because of someone following me around the space

Elle: there are so many people who have been 86'd for good reason


Loren: we have a mediation process, we can touch that. I mediated for someone for over a year and a half after they were 86'd from noisebridge. It someone is willing to mediate, it can work.

I don't want to take up everyone's emotional energy. With this, so suffice to say:

  • a process exists, for mediation, on the very 86 page in question. What's wrong with that?
  • small c consensus is for quick and easy things in the space
  • big C consensus is for decisions that affect the whole community, physical space, large financial decisions

Elle: I assume it will be Consensed on, in the meeting.

Ken: i suppose i should spell out the name of the person that i propose to reinstate in the community. but you all know that this is Sam Green im talking about.

anyone has objection in starting this discussion this week?

Ken: can we start a big c consensus item, starts this week

Loren: No, sorry, we can't. There is not language. We need the language, on the Draft Consensus Items page and Current Consensus Items page. For much smaller items than even this we push it to a future meeting if the language is not ready before the meeting. The meeting is for getting a final approval on something as big as this, or for starting the discussion, but there is way too much discussion, raised concerns to hold people here to draft language to consider it "consensed on" tonight. It would be a farce. We don't need to flesh this out during the meeting

Write up language -- put it on Draft Consensus Items while you're talking with people. When it's ready for the meeting, put it on Current Consensus Items.

Do-ocratic Task Board[edit | edit source]

Participation also means doing stuff to contribute to the space. Propose new tasks or pick some tasks from Github, from what needs to be done around you, or whatever, and see if someone will sign up to work on that task. Anyone can sign up and it's a great way to show you are contributing!

End of Meeting[edit | edit source]

Note taker posts the notes[edit | edit source]

  • Clean and tidy the meeting notes including removing all these really verbose instructions.
  • Fill out the short summary at the top listing just announcements, consensus items, discussion topics, and names of new members and philanthropists.
  • Copy paste the notes to the next meeting page. (They will become Last meeting at midnight.)
  • Email the meeting summary to Noisebridge Discuss and Noisebridge Announce lists.
  • CC on the email and if there are new members and philanthropists.
  • Edit the Current Consensus Items if anything is proposed for consensus next week.
  • Edit the Consensus Items History if anything was reached consensus or failed to reach consensus this week.