Discussion of mobile network design considerations. Bid-ask spreads, the justifications of consumer benefits of payment for order flow. Horror stories of organizational and software failures, ill-effects.
Introductions[edit | edit source]
- [name] - [background]. [goals for meetup, or interests to explore]
- Loren - background as infra engineer / devops,
- Chai - bg software engineering, running co as CTO, not been primary focus. war stories from previous jobs.
- Doug - coming regularly, know about code, hosting services, Working with IPv6 now for DC self-hosted servers
- Jonathan - it, it support, at a startup, in cloud, big data, ai stuff.
- Tony, - from Vancouver elecrician. Green energy, robotics & ai.
- Sophia - long-time noisebridger working in corner
Lesson or Demo[edit | edit source]
Mobile network, design & perf considerations: Cache-evication algorithm,
AWS networking issues - self-reports issues hours later. AWS us-east-1 New York stock exchange -- landing in NJ (Seacaucus) principal-agent proglem.
Bid-ask spread.
Retail, "dumb money" <<liquidity providers>> -- less risky to trade against. Less adversarial info.
AI, AGI? decompression
Boeing - McDonell-Dougleas merger. middle managers only from McDonell-Dougleas, changed culture
Post office, buggy software, accused of theft. Told individually they have problems.
900 people accused of fraud, 200 sent to prison. 10-20 people committed to suicide.
Network, old favorite
War stories
the horror of physical infrastructure)
(nvidia - war stories)
Questions, Discussion, or Coworking[edit | edit source]
- [Issue]
For next time[edit | edit source]
Questions[edit | edit source]
Readings & Exercises[edit | edit source]
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- Exercises
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