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A questions oriented day. Discussion of cold booting a home lab, password & credential dependency chains, and challenges solved in running a data analysis business.

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • Loren - have worked as a cloud and infrastructure engineer, hosting this to have conversations, share knowledge, stay fresh, advocate self-hosting and free software use.
  • Jordan - bg in software engineer, dabble in all stuff linux. Say it every single time: interested in noisebridge infrastructure. It'll happen, at the one year mark
  • Doug - background, varied and mixed, some software, some not. I'm here for interesting disucssion
  • Greg - I'm a professional and hobbyist programming, I run a home lab
  • Moof - just watching y'all. Coding a synth right now. On an ESP32
  • Henry - software in
  • Daniel - GDC, in town. background in software engineering, 1 man company.

Lesson or Demo[edit | edit source]

  • Want to talk about today. Greg. PGE full day power-outage at home. With 1 week warning. Had to power off equipment, once. Ran into one off issues with infrequent shutdown, and launch.
    • Running bitwarden, self-hosted. Vaultwarden(_rs?). Passwords on the machine, self-hosting. Maybe some clients cache it? Desktop client linux, phone app, cli -- official & unofficial. (Had passwords also in buttercup.)

    • Jordan - use it for all my computer things (the server, esp personal, esp local).
    • Worth an exercise of bringing things back up
    • Jordan: did an exercise on a big piece of paper. How to get into all the

4 tiers from root. Encrypted

Offline, cold wallet. Hardware cards. Can unlock pass. Pass backup into bitwarden.

You're a prepper. A key prepper. A password prepper. Recently locked myself out of 2 gpg cards.

    • It's worth working thorugh for yourself.
  • Self-hosting on home internet conneciton. Rely on DHCP from ISP being pretty stable. Have to manually change 3 things when updating the ISP on

  • Tunnel traffic back to server.
    • Via cloudflare?
    • Self-configured VPS host back to home.

  • home lab? time to restart.
    • no homelab, shared bare metal server in HE
    • server in oakland, reboot takes a few hours
    • reboot -
      • nixos a single option

  • DecaData -

"i realize from coming here over the last year -- parts of my brain have atrophied" "I never studies CS, but find myself writing software." Go to supermarkets to buy food. Weekly sheets, similar to Safeway's weekly

Someone at safeway, responsible for buying ... $12bn of food per year. Chief merchant. Lots of fiefdoms. No one coordinating. All the associated products. PUtting all the independent little bits, on sale. You have space to put 500 familes of items. And then you figure out which items you need , to

Have to score promotions. And have to put them on a page.

Restuarant. Everyone things of the core items, big ticket. Really, restaurants make money on the side items, sodas.

Personalizing. By time.

Adoption. Of TV. 1950 - 1980. Of

Paper has some magic. Sending flyer or not, is clear.

Mass personalization. Vs individual.

Apache Iceberg data format. Like Parquet

Questions, Discussion, or Coworking[edit | edit source]

  • [Issue]

For next time[edit | edit source]

Questions[edit | edit source]

Readings & Exercises[edit | edit source]

  • Readings
  • Exercises

Join online[edit | edit source]

  • Try it yourself!
    • Join #nb-meetup-infra