Work day, spent getting everyone on IRC, and working on IRC bots or bits of services for hosting the meetup smoothly, quickly, and with concurrent contributions.
Introductions[edit | edit source]
- [name] - [background]. [goals for meetup, or interests to explore]
- Loren - hosting meetup. Here to stay sharp, share knowledge, get people
- Doug - enjoying the vibes, here to learn.
- Matt - used to do sysadmin stuff with loren, likes computers
- Robert - also like computers, a lot. I like IRC, thinking meetup pad. Scribe would be cool.
Lesson or Demo[edit | edit source]
Matt visited PyCon this weekend, in ...
(talks playlist is up on youtube, but all talks are still private for now)
- True multithreaded shared-memory subinterpreter orchestator: "DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION OR YOU WILL BE FIRED"
Cython - will take python code, or c code, and combine them into one language. A simple speedup.
Last week[edit | edit source]
Useful Resource:
Candidate #1 :
- Read aloud: clarify for meetup. We are taking notes in a riseup pad (or I am--help appreciated, and links). We have meeting notes posted to the wiki., search Infra, or Meetups/Infra. (the Infrastructure page has a disambiguation link.)
- Shell, web services, self-hosting, networking!
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell --pure -i runghc -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: [ pkgs.lambdabot ])" {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Lambdabot.Main import Lambdabot.Config.Server import Lambdabot.Plugin.Core import Lambdabot.Util main :: IO () main = lambdabotMain defaultConfig { lbotPort = 6667 , lbotServer = "" , lbotChannels = ["#yourchannel"] , lbotNick = "EchoBot" , lbotPlugins = ["Echo"] } echoPlugin :: Module () echoPlugin = newModule { moduleCmds = return [ (command "echo") { help = say "echo <message>. Echoes the message back to the channel." , process = \rest _ -> say rest } ] }
Done today, Want to do next time[edit | edit source]
- Loren - some irc setup, make an api - esp long polling
- Matt - added NoiseBot chat bot (locally), thinking about deployment,
- Doug - created noisebot 2.0, haskell, broke some hammers and chisels
- Jordan - distracted people, want to productionize Ergo Chat, to deploy this more widely
- Henry - nothing today, got a user set up , should make an LLM chatbot. we have llm chat bot
share out irc access to user tailnets
NB - get people involed in nb infra
Questions, Discussion, or Coworking[edit | edit source]
- [Issue]
For next time[edit | edit source]
Questions[edit | edit source]
Readings & Exercises[edit | edit source]
- Readings
- Exercises
Join online[edit | edit source]
- Try it yourself!
- Join #nb-meetup-infra