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A few discussions: fixing noisebridge's router & LAN setup, brainstorming around database scaling challenges, and self-hosting.

Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • [name] - [background]. [goals for meetup, or interests to explore]
  • Loren - ...
  • Bura - from Turkey, came to SF 3 years ago. Co-founding a startup, hypergrowth. Can't support the customers we have. Trying to learn more
  • Kashia (sp) - I'm the one workin
  • Skyler - came here once for a meetup that was cancelled. Building a home server for files, media. Interested also in what is happening in infrastructure.
  • Kevin - working as a sysadmin in startups. Some mapping stuff at home.
  • Robert - in a bunch of startups, moved here 2 years ago. Starting a nixOs startup now. Obsessed with technology, learning
  • Jake - I do backend programming at work. Good way to get exposed to things I don't do at work. NextCloud setup soon. ...
  • MrName - mostly a backend developer, devops, linux systems at home. Interest in security side of things in addition to deployment. Python and nodejs dev at this point
  • Doug - interested in learning about infra, and "jumping out of planes"
  • Sophia - mostly not at the meetup. Working on generating QR codes with special properties.

(TODO include mention of howto)

Lesson or Demo[edit | edit source]

  • 2 discussion groups
    • nb infra -- router fix
    • large scale -
    • self-hosting small

nb infra -- router fix[edit | edit source]

large scale[edit | edit source]

startup - selling to B2B SaaS. Hard to get the scaling to work. large, multiplicative problem. customers, scale. dynamically generate sql queries.

do lots of writes continuously, we use clickhouse. Build summary tables. difficulty running, grouping operations.

  • Read aloud: clarify for meetup. We are taking notes in a riseup pad (or I am--help appreciated, and links). We have meeting notes posted to the wiki., search Infra, or Meetups/Infra. (the Infrastructure page has a disambiguation link.)
  • Shell, web services, self-hosting, networking!

Questions, Discussion, or Coworking[edit | edit source]

  • [Issue]

For next time[edit | edit source]

Questions[edit | edit source]

Readings & Exercises[edit | edit source]

  • Readings
  • Exercises

Join online[edit | edit source]

  • Try it yourself!
    • Join #nb-meetup-infra