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Introductions[edit | edit source]

  • [name] - [background]. [goals for meetup, or interests to explore]
  • Loren -
talk about infra each week, self hosting, 
  • Sameer -- interested in all things software, all parts of the stack. Rekindling interest in infra.
  • Kevin -- sysadmin, do home lab stuff at home
  • Kevin -- programmer as well. have 2080 at home, one of them running llama at home. Tonight - talking up running discourse. Questions about rental. WeWorks.
  • Cloud - interested in encryption, how people keep confidential data security.
  • Greg - programmer - interested in self-hosting all sorts of things
  • Tim - software engiener, biotech and regular. putting together a home lab now, 6 computers, lots of ram. talos linux, self-host web scraping, apps for friends, mainly data analysis

Lesson or Demo[edit | edit source]

Run ollama. Brew install Command-line tool lets you pull models, and chat. If offer code completion.

GitHub Copilot with debug endpoint with ollama-hosted models (for personal use, Apache2.0).

    • Tim -- genomics library in go. Good for building genes for CRISPR.

Golden Gate assembly. Gibson assembly, have to compute lots of guides, $30/ea, to assemble a large colleciton of DNA. Required RNA folding, 1980 n^4 time, n^3 time, linear time now. Directed BEAM search.

Question -- good for building organisms. Copper based organisms.

Thermus aquaticus -- source of thermostable RNA polymerase.

    • Whisper -- large is good, medium is good


Find it on huggingface in ggml formats. Or wget it directly.

This is the easiest to get building and running. Advertised performance gains on other

Disucssion of happerspoon hw on macOS for fast-twitch, global keyboard shortcuts.

Sameer & Loren mentioned two interesting personal projects Sameer: Built a script to use fd & fzf to build an index of filesystem metadata to replace macos's built-in Spotlight search utility (fd:; fzf: Loren: using brotab to drain Chrome's open tabs to a onetab-compatible file, for later reuse

tabs-close () {  bt list | fzf --multi --reverse --bind ctrl-a:select-all --bind ctrl-t:toggle-all | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs -t bt close; } --- latency live moitoring

Even easier that ollama, might be jart's llamafile.

  • Kevin - startup -- warming up security contacts --
  • Discourse self-hosting -- or zulip.
  • Tim -- there are those towers -- claim them for noisebridge. 2080. ram.

  • Read aloud: clarify for meetup. We are taking notes in a riseup pad (or I am--help appreciated, and links). We have meeting notes posted to the wiki., search Infra, or Meetups/Infra. (the Infrastructure page has a disambiguation link.)
  • Shell, web services, self-hosting, networking!

Questions, Discussion, or Coworking[edit | edit source]

  • [Issue]

For next time[edit | edit source]

Questions[edit | edit source]

Readings & Exercises[edit | edit source]

  • Readings
  • Exercises

Join online[edit | edit source]

  • Try it yourself!
    • Join #nb-meetup-infra