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OG-NAW – Noise Audio Workstation[edit | edit source]

Located in the back in front of the windows between the bathroom and the VR rig.

Mac Mini w/ OS X Sierra, an M-Audio 61-key keyboard and APC40 - FLStudio 20, Ableton Live Performance Controller, Alesis Mastercontrol and Rock band Pro Drum Kit with blah Ethernet to midi and blah.
Lines Chat about NAW:


Application - Manual - Etc.[edit | edit source]

FLStudio 20.9.2 - Learning -
Ableton 10 - Manual - Ableton Fourms
BitWig Studio 2.3 - Forum - Manual: Click on Bitwig logo @ top of Window - go to Help › Documentation
Max/MSP - Tutorials - Manual
Cuckos Reaper - User Guide
Audacity - Manual
Ardour 5.12 - Manual
VCV Rack 0.6 - Manual
Giada Looper - Docs
GLMixer for videos - Wiki
Jack2 for OS X (.92 B3) - Wiki

Songs made w/ Ableton Live on the NAW[edit | edit source]

NAW - THEAlbum

"Chain" (Rock)

/Users/x/Documents/__SAVE PROJECTS HERE/Cain/Chain Project/Chain.als

"B|B" (Rockish)

/Users/x/Documents/__SAVE PROJECTS HERE/bbb Project/bbb.als
"Z1" (Jazzish)
/Users/x/Documents/__SAVE PROJECTS HERE/z1 Project/z1.als
"Ummm..." (Ummm...)
/Users/x/Documents/__SAVE PROJECTS HERE/Cain/ummmm Project/ummmm.als
"CraterLake" (Noise-(Bridgeish?)
/Users/x/Documents/__SAVE PROJECTS HERE/craterlake Project/craterlake.als
"NewCraterLake" (Noise-(Bridgeish?)
/Users/x/Documents/__SAVE PROJECTS HERE/newcraterlake Project/newcraterlake.als

NAWty – Noise Audio Workstation II[edit | edit source]

Located in the back in front of the windows between the OG-Naw and the VR rig.
Mac Mini w/ OS X Sierra, an Yamaha KX88 88-key keyboard and M-Audio Fast Track Pro 4x4 Mobile USB

We are in need of the following![edit | edit source]

Requested and Missing Hardware!
(permanent) Monitors / Pro Audio Speakers
TV Wall mount - to free up more space on the desk top shelf
Drum Machine / Push Controller / Maschine / Spark
Monitors and Mounts for installation in Church
Foam installation in Dark Room/Closet -- ask for details on Discuss mailing list or #Gnar Slack channel
2 500Gb SSD Drives (one for each Mini) like this one:
Parts for High performance Audio Workstation:
OR a complete system like:

Requested/Missing Applications![edit | edit source]

Feel free to add requests