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Pibridge Raspberry Pi Hacking Group is a meetup to work on Raspberry Pi-based projects.

Greetings! The purpose of this group is to discuss the emerging possibilities of applications using small, affordable, computers. The lab part of this Hacking Group will perform installations of easy, open sourced, projects; with applications and useful Life-Hacks.

ALARM (Arch/Linux) on Pi 3[edit | edit source]



Do not trust, without verification, anything beyond this point...

WHAT WE DO[edit | edit source]

The Group will discuss the technical side of hardware and software, while also using hands on projects to apply their knowledge.


WHEN[edit | edit source]

Wednesday February 17th, 2016 at 8:00pm; 20:00 and for the near present on Wednesdays at 8pm to 10pm. However; Monday there will be a large Meetup for Circuits and the Arduino Kits are available wiring an Arduino with Raspberry Pi is an excellent way to facilitate matriculation into "the Internet of Things".

Also a big deal, This Thursday.... |time = Thursday, February 18th, 2016, 20:00 |title = 5 Minutes of Fame with Guest Speaker from Pi Foundation |description =
The 18-Feb 5 Minutes of Fame !TONIGHT! NoiseBride has a guest Speakers to share a mic and educate while entertaining in this months installment of 5 Minutes of Fame. About the first Speaker; fellow Maker and United States Pi Education Provider and first Pi Foundation U.S. based employee, at Noisebridge to provide Us current information followed by 5 minutes of awesomely Excellent Q & A. The 5 minute format of 5MoF could be Speak for 2 minutes, Listen for 2 min, Respond for 1 min....but could be however else you want to use your allotted time. Use your 5 minutes wisely, and most importantly have fun. Just Add You!!! Pre signup here: please check in with Bunny at 745pm(19:45pm) by the PiZero Station http://doodle.com/poll/zu4nta5bpn42gnax
More Info@

We will be recording this event's stage and with notice will respect privacy by informing you we plan on representing all kittens and makes in field of HD lens trained on the lecturn and podium, and sharing the video on Reddit, for upvotes and Karma Points And/Or NoiseBridge shameless promotion of Excellence.

Suggested lucky-$13 space-usage fee/person for Noisebridge's ideal Openness and continued Excellence; No person really ought to be denied admittance by gatekeepers or members present at the event due to lack of fund$.

please be aware setting current projects could occur between 8pm and 830pm.Discussion will begin at 830 till exhausted.

WHAT TO BRING[edit | edit source]

Notes from the 15 minute introduction, could produce questions for the 45 minute discussion, whist others may be beginning lab.

For participation in the lab portion of class:

I will guide the class through an exercise from the many available in publication on Make:(an educational source of media), MagPi Magazine, or simple googling Raspberry Pi Projects for all ages. There are limited prototype units available to interact with and currently the cheap $5 Rasp Pi Zero is Sold Out *mostly. The Recommendation for beginners comes in a couple packages. To Print out list(s) I recommend:

Please bring yourself if new to Raspberry Pi Technologies and what to know what the fuss is all about in Silicon Valley over these desserts, or if You are an enthusiast with a project and would like to mention it during discussion for having multiple-users perspectives and constructive feedback, or just to share, your preference will be respected.

Class is for All Ages and the discussion will be Group driven, we will talk about topics the group has and share perspectives to discover insights that will help foster our community new to these devices and their unknown potentials.

Student Packages, available from Shopping on Web or Maker Store, recommended[edit | edit source]

  • Pi Zero Model
    • Pi Zero $5
      • currently hard to get due to shortages and global demand, ~10,000 were given away on magazine cover
    • On Display at NoiseBridge, ask for Pi Student Station

  • V1 Deluxe Student Pkg (USB keyboard)
    • USB Power/switch/cord $8.99
    • RASPBERRY PI 2 model b $38.99
    • 16G MICRO SD Class 10, not 4 $8.99
    • CASE $5
    • HDMI Cable $5
    • WIFI dongle $10
    • USB KeyBoard/controller $15.99
      • AMAZON SubTotal $91.56

  • V2 Student with WiFi Pkg
    • RASPBERRY PI 2 model b $38.99
    • 8G MICRO SD Class 10, not 4 $4.99
    • CASE $5
    • WIFI $8
      • AMAZON SubTotal $63.09
  • V3 Strapped Student Pkg (borrow cellphone charger, & HDMI)
    • Paper Case: free
    • RASPBERRY PI 2 model b $37.14
    • 16G MICRO SD Class 10, not 4 $8.97
      • AMAZON SubTotal $46.11

List Current as of 1/11/16 based on some assumptions about Users Access to a: Smart phone, HDMI TV&Cable, and Micro-USB power cord(5v2amp)used commonly for charging cell phone batteries.

INSTRUCTIONS[edit | edit source]

  • These instructions will go on a letter-size paper alongside the poster at a station within Noisebridge.
  • Try to format them to what will fit there using Word/etc.

Raspberry Pi Hackstation[edit | edit source]

  • Things we want on the station:
    • Varied options
    • Displays
      • small LCDs
      • Old VGA
      • Old TV
    • Keyboards
      • Old USB PC keyboard
      • Usb dongle wireless keyboard
      • TV controllers
    • Power supplies
      • 5V AC adapter
      • powered USB hub
      • 5V/2 Amp USB Battery pack

Hardware Options[edit | edit source]

Hardware: Raspberry Pi models: A(2012),B,B+,2,2b, and Zero(2016) What is a Raspberry Pi? Great Question! Raspberry Pi is a name for a small hand-held size computer, compared to the Arduino which is similar in size. Matt Richardson, author of "Make: Getting Started with Raspberry Pi", told me that the Pi can program, whereas the Arduino can execute a program, like a robotic action.

Visualize the two pieces of technology working together; a cpu(Pi) programming a device(Arduino) to do a function.

The Projects to introduce the Pi to new users, and early adopters, are rated easy to difficult. For students of all ages!

Currently, Raspberry Pis around the glob and on the Space Station are sharing access to a linux based repository of open-source applications and information.

Examples include: Stand alone portable servers of Wifi, Private Network Storage, Accessing Global Media via Steaming and HDMI built-in outputs, and game console emulation and playing, to name just my favorites.

The Software using open-source, easily downloaded from RaspberryPi (dot) org, to run the Raspberry Pi units vary. Suggested for this group lab is Raspbian version "jessie" (stable, v8.0), includes many built in features like network serving and Scratch for basic coding apps.

So far we covered: PiBridge Discussion Purpose, Lab and Lecture focusing on Raspberry Pi units and Raspbian, linux based, software projects.

Next about the history of Raspberry Pi Units, Ebon Upton, co-founder of the Raspberry Pi Computer, based on an interview in a published magazine titled "The MagPi", issue #40 Dec. 2015, the concept behind the Zero started with the Model A in 2006, 6 years before its commercial release. Eben Upton, Rob Mullins, Jack Lang and Alan Mycroft, based at the University of Cambridge’s Computer Laboratory wanted to impact how students use and interact with technology, insight-fully increasing the coders in the world by making a computer as affordable as possible. The RasPi Zero also uses little electricity; ~160mA to run HDMI 1080p, and 2 usb powered devices.

(2012)The Model A sold for ~$35 dollars, open-source intended to be hacked, release on Feb 2012 and immediately satisfied 100,000 pre-orders.

(late 2015)Model Pi Zero is sold for ~$5. It is so small that the first 10,000 units were attached to the cover of The PiMag, a magazine, and mailed with subscriptions Dec 2015.

The applications are limited to students imaginations and time, additionally requiring a little money to purchase a Pi Computer Unit.

The Pi Zero is available for under ~$10 (including shipping) but the demand is really high right now and supplies limited.

The Pi 2b is available for ~$38 from Amazon and requires additional common parts: a Micro-SD card 8g, a micro USB power supply(like for an android device), a cat-5 cable or USB WiFi dongle(for network), and access to the internet to download software and install onto a micro SD card. There are many other options and accessories for the Pi, equipped with a 40-pin GPIO interface. For any Noobs out there a GPIO interface is one of many ways you can attach a new module or device to a Computer.

The material we just covered included: Pi History, Evolution and costs of models, and insights to share technology and education to increase the population of coders globally.

---First PiBridge Lab Workshop January 11th 2016, NoiseBridge--- if interested in letting me know you are attending please visit web [1], to indicate on an anonymous "doodle" poll your nickname and available time.

(this is my first time posting a url to NoiseBridge) if it does not link, no worries, please just show up and bring your Pi ideas to share to!

---First PiBridge Lab Workshop January 11th 2016, NoiseBridge--- ___________________________________________________________________end update 1/7/16____david_bunny

Previous Pi Events[edit | edit source]