Sfusd excel program

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I received this email this week regarding the after school program.

Noisebridge could potentially part of this, if there is interest.

There were two attachments to the email:

This describes the after school program:
File:Enrichment RFP 09-10 - Final.doc

Here is an example of a budget for an after school program. Note that the SFUSD will pay this amount:

Itemized Budget Spreadsheet.jpg


Original Message --------

Subject: FW from Eva Meyers: ExCEL Request for Proposals 2009-2010
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 11:41:34 -0700
From: Ly Rivera <phaml@sfusd.edu>
CC: Meyers,Eva <MeyersE@sfusd.edu>


In order to provide a range of high quality enrichment activities, SFUSD AFA ExCEL After School Programs is seeking proposals from organizations that would like to become partners with ExCEL ASP for the 09-10 school year. Attached please find the Request For Proposals (RFP) and a budget worksheet.

All proposals are due to ExCEL by April 30, 2009.

Eva Jo Meyers
ExCEL District Coordinator
San Francisco Unified School District
1515 Quintara Street
San Francisco, CA 94116
Phone: (415) 242-2615, ext. 3001
Fax: (415) 242-2618
E-mail: meyerse@sfusd.edu
Web: www.healthiersf.org/ExCELafterschool