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Outreach | SocialMediaWG | Social Media Excellence | Community Outreach | Accounts | (Edit) |
What this group is about[edit | edit source]
The Social Media Working Group (SocialMediaWG) hacks on Noisebridge's social media infrastructure, including the infrastructure and content.
When this group meets[edit | edit source]
We have no regularly scheduled meeting times at this moment.
Where this group can be contacted[edit | edit source]
- Slack Channel: #socialmedia
- Twitter Handle: @noisebridge
Who's in the WG[edit | edit source]
Nym | Contact | Skills | Focus in WG |
Beka / Rebecca Valentine | Slack: @beka, Twitter: @beka_valentine, | Coding, Making Content | Social Media Tool (SMT), Noisebytes, backend infra for non-WG users of social media, random cool tweets |
What's being worked on[edit | edit source]
These are the areas of NB, pieces of infrastructure, tools, etc. that this WG is hacking on, including the tools that constitute the WG itself (eg email addresses).
Working Group Email[edit | edit source]
Email Address:
Email Provider: gmail
Recovery email:
Used for:
- Account emails for all other services when possible
- Contact
- Recovery email for
nbtwtesting Email[edit | edit source]
Email Address:
Email Provider: gmail
Recovery Email:
Used for:
- Email address for @nbtwtesting Twitter account
Github Organization[edit | edit source]
Organization name: Noisebridge Social Media WG / NoisebridgeSocialMediaWG
Organization page:
Used for:
- Hosting git repos of various WG tools, etc.
Buffer Account[edit | edit source]
Login Name: (old:
Email: (old:
Used for:
- Accessing multiple social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+)
Noisebridge Main Twitter Account[edit | edit source]
Handle: @noisebridge
Used for:
- General Twitter stuff
- Contact
Noisebridge Testing Twitter Account[edit | edit source]
Wiki page: NBTWTesting
Handle: @nbtwtesting
Used for:
- Testing Twitter API stuff
- Most people can use this! This is not just for internal stuff! If you need to build a Twitter thing for your project, get in touch, we'll happily share the PW so you don't have to set up your own for testing purposes.
YouTube Channel[edit | edit source]
Channel URL:
Used for:
- All YouTube things
- Target for Noisebytes uploads
Noisebridge Social Media Server (TODO!!!)[edit | edit source]
Hosting Provider: Digital Ocean
Used for:
- Hosting video processing software for Noisebytes
- Hosting the Social Media Tool / SMT
Noisebytes Uploader[edit | edit source]
Wiki page: Noisebytes
YouTube Playlist:
Hosted on: Pegasus
Used for:
- Processing and uploading videos to the Noisebytes playlist on YouTube
TODO[edit | edit source]
- Currently hosted on Pegasus and needs to be moved over to the WG's server when thats up and running
Social Media Tool / SMT[edit | edit source]
Wiki page: SocialMediaTool
Slack Interface: slash commands starting with /smt
Github repo:
Used for:
- Slack interface to various social media accounts to manage content without needing to have full administrator access
TODO[edit | edit source]
- Currently hosted on beka's private droplet, needs to be moved over to the WG's servers once those are up