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Noisebridge tour starts here! You can follow this tour guide yourself or use it to guide others. |
Noisebridge tour starts here![edit | edit source]
This is a work-in-progress guided tour of Noisebridge to assist new people exploring themselves or wanting to give tours.
Explore the space and scan the signage for links to wiki tour info[edit | edit source]
Hackitorium[edit | edit source]
The Hackitorium is the main social workspace and meeting area of Noisebridge and is used for meetings on Tuesdays.
How Noisebridge Works[edit | edit source]
Noisebridge has a participation manual that covers the major aspects of how to participate at Noisebridge. You can read it on the Wiki in the Manual section.
Things to pay attention and learn from it include:
- Excellence is our way of being excellent to each other.
- Do-ocracy is our way of doing whatever needs doing while being excellent with each other about gathering small-c consensus.
- Consensus is our way of deciding major consequential proposals during meetings where members may block for reconsideration.
- Meetings are Tuesday nights at 7pm in person or on Jitsi.
Jitsi is our web streaming video chat system and you can use it to participate in meetings and events here.
Joining Noisebridge is easy. Just show up and hack!
Participation is open to anyone who wants to show up and be excellent while learning or hacking on something.
Members can block consensus items and sponsor new philanthropists or members. It takes 4 weeks and 2 member sponsors to become one by consensus.
Philanthropy is a way to get a 24 hour RFID token and donate monthly to the space. It takes showing up at a meeting, 1 member sponsor and sliding scale suggested donation of $40-80 per month.
Guilds are groups of volunteers maintaining resources and organizing events at Noisebridge. Many guilds are more maintainers!
Resource Stations[edit | edit source]
Noisebridge has a bunch of resource station areas with creative tools that are maintained by guilds.
Fabrication[edit | edit source]
Noisebridge has many guilds, resources and events related to fabricating physical things.
3D Printing[edit | edit source]
Noisebridge has many 3D printers that can print solid objects from CAD files.
Code[edit | edit source]
Noisebridge has lots of classes where you can learn and practice programming.
Use Reader by Scan app for iOS or Goggles app for Android to scan QR codes on Noisebridge tour signs.
Upstairs[edit | edit source]
Some of Noisebridge's rooms are upstairs.
Circuit Hacking[edit | edit source]
Noisebridge's longest-running class, Circuit Hacking Mondays is an event held in our Electronics lab.
This tour is under development[edit | edit source]
For now, ask someone in the physical space to give you a tour or explore the existing wiki content.
Work to finish updating the tour experience and content[edit | edit source]
Things to be added to this tour:
A guided walkthrough of the stations:
Vending[edit | edit source]
Vending Machine with hacker doodads and a donations-based snack and drink fridge.
Library[edit | edit source]
A Library full of books. There is also a collection of tabletop games.
The Digital Archivists are responsible for organizing the library, scanning books, and creating digital collections.
Fox Lounge[edit | edit source]
Lounge Area. Great for meetups, tabletop games, and relaxing, semi-private workspace.
Collaboration Station[edit | edit source]
- DreamTeam Neurohackery Wednesdays at 8
- NeurotechSF Fridays at 8
- CollaborationStation Machine
- Project Shelves
Gaming Archive[edit | edit source]
An area to engage with historical games content.
- Noisebridge Gaming Archivists meet here on Friday evenings.
- The Noisebridge Gaming Archivists are all about the preservation, modification and enjoyment of video games of yore! Come hang out, play games, mod systems, make chiptunes or just chat.
- NGALAC - Noisebridge Gaming Archivists Live Arcade Cabinet
- Consoles and Games Shelf
- Racing Station
3D Printing/Fabrication Area[edit | edit source]
Electronics Area[edit | edit source]
Sewing and Crafting Area[edit | edit source]
Dirty Shop[edit | edit source]
Sparkleforge/Clean Shop[edit | edit source]
Facilities[edit | edit source]
- water filters
- coffee/tea makers
- sink
- bathrooms
- cleaning supplies
Audio Research Area[edit | edit source]
Turing Room[edit | edit source]
Church Room[edit | edit source]
VR Holodeck[edit | edit source]
An area for experimenting with VR, AR, and games tech.
- Gamebridge Unityversity is taught here, Tuesdays @ 7pm.
- Gamebridge Unityversity is a weekly Unity game dev meetup and beginner-friendly class for anyone who wants to learn programming, game design, art, music, and how to teach game dev. All skill levels and kinds of game devs are welcome.
- VR Cart
- Green Screens
- HTC Vive
- Microsoft Mixed Reality
The Noisebridge Manual[edit | edit source]
Read the Manual to learn how Noisebridge works:
- The Intro Poster content made into a clear poster or across several next to each other
- How Noisebridge works
- How to participate
- How to donate for 24 hour access as philanthropist and eventually member
- What you can do at Noisebridge
Resource Stations[edit | edit source]
Explore Noisebridge's many resource stations and scan the codes on the signs to learn more about each station's activities including how to use equipment and attend classes.
Noisebridge contains several resources that are at the physical space and in virtual space. These are available to both members and the general public.
Resources[edit | edit source]
A complete list of our resources is on our Resources page.
Project Spaces and Resources[edit | edit source]
Fabrication[edit | edit source]
- Fab mailing list - All things related to fab tools at Noisebridge, laser cutter, Makerbot, RepRap, CNC mill
- Laser Cutter
- 3D Printing
- RepRap
- MaxNCMill
- Vinyl cutter
- Button maker
Access Control[edit | edit source]
Bulk Orders[edit | edit source]
Facilities[edit | edit source]
Sources for project components[edit | edit source]
To add to the tour and space[edit | edit source]
- Place Meetings poster next to Hackitorium Telebridge
- More tour guide signage
- Posters on walls of classrooms and front calendar board listing classes taught
- Audio/video tour of each station edited into a nice short video tour of the whole space.
- Integrate tour with touch screen kiosk in the entrance