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Unicorn is a homage to our long dead server, formerly known as Stallion.
It has no guaranteed uptime or functionality; it is up to you to keep the services you want running, running. Like a stallion.
This utility server is 4 cores, 24gb ram, 120gb ssd storage and 12tb bandwidth.
Volunteers warmly encouraged to setup and maintain it! Please contact us via the main Noisebridge Discussion Mailing List or on our Discuss forum
Services[edit | edit source]
Unicorn currently hosts:
- https://noisebridge.info/ - Unicorn homepage
- https://status.noisebridge.info/ - Checkup is a status page and associated service that notifies us in Slack if one of our services go down! Blog post describing setup is located here.
- To add new health checks for other services, edit
. See the configuration file here on our GitHub.
- To add new health checks for other services, edit
- https://mt.noisebridge.info:30000 - MineTest is a fully open variant of Minecraft! Join us and enjoy.
- https://minio.noisebridge.info/ - Minio instance (S3-compatible storage)
- Ask @elimisteve or @James for the auth keys needed for login
- https://doc.noisebridge.info - HedgeDoc is a collaborative document editor formerly known as CodiMD
- https://discuss.noisebridge.info/ - Discourse instance (discussion forums)
- https://mumble.noisebridge.info/ - Mumble Audio chat over VOIP. Scales easily to hundreds of users.
- https://gossip.noisebridge.info/ - Secure Scuttlebutt - asynchronous p2p network. Details on our Pub wiki page.
- https://bridge.noisebridge.info/ - RSS-Bridge converts arbitrary websites into RSS & Atom feeds. See our wiki page.
- You may white list new entries at
- You may white list new entries at
- https://test-discuss.noisebridge.info - testing instance of Discourse so we can mess with upgrades and plugins.
- https://chat.noisebridge.info/ - Rocket.chat instance (to replace our Slack!)
- https://leapchat.noisebridge.info/ - LeapChat instance (ephemeral encrypted Slack in your browser!)
- Visit https://leapchat.noisebridge.info/ -> Get redirected to new end-to-end encrypted room
- Messages disappear after 90 days
- Was largely built at Noisebridge, by @elimisteve and other volunteers
- Contribute here (AGPLv3): https://github.com/cryptag/leapchat
- https://projects.noisebridge.info - Phabricator for management of Git, Mercurial, Subversion.
- https://login.noisebridge.info - basic SSO for guarding services w/o their own account system (uses the Noisebridge Slack as the identity provider)
- https://printprintprint.noisebridge.info - remote access to the OctoPrint instance driving our Creality CR-10 3D printer
- space.noisebridge.info - experimental virtualized www edition of nbsp by Ⅹ
- x.noisebridge.info - experimental personal site for Ⅹ
- share.noisebridge.info - Next Cloud VM instance setup by James & Ⅹ
System Info[edit | edit source]
- Homepage URL: noisebridge.info
- IP:
- OS: Debian 10 Buster x86_64
- Web server: Nginx is running on ports 80 and 443
- Domains: Current domains and subdomains hosted on this server: (see
- DNS: all
subdomains point to this server, as does the naked domain (noisebridge.info
- SSL: certbot runs every day to renew certs for all (sub)domains it knows about
- ...but to manually renew, run
/home/noisebridge/bin/recert; sudo service nginx restart
- ...but to manually renew, run
- To add a new service at, say,
...- Create a file similar to
- Run
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/somethingcool.noisebridge.info /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/somethingcool.noisebridge.info; sudo nginx -t
- If you don't get any errors, add
-d somethingcool.noisebridge.info
then run/home/noisebridge/bin/recert
to (U)pdate the*.noisebridge.info
SSL cert!
- Create a file similar to
- Unicorn uses ufw to whitelist which ports can receive incoming connections from the outside world.
- To add a port to the whitelist:
sudo ufw allow <port>
- To list firewall rules:
sudo ufw show added
- To delete a firewall rule:
sudo ufw delete <rule>
- To view (and delete) rules chronologically rather than by port:
sudo ufw status numbered
- To add a port to the whitelist:
Rules and Guidelines[edit | edit source]
- Be excellent to each other
- Don't fuck up other people's shit
- Usage of containers is encouraged where practical, but not required
- Databases sometimes have issues running in Docker, for example
- If you need a different version of some database that is already running on the default port, run the version you need in a Docker container, or on a different port (and that stores its data in a different directory!)
SSH Config[edit | edit source]
I can haz access?
Yes, but you are agreeing to be excellent to each other!
Consider generating a new SSH key pair with
$ ssh-keygen -b 4096
then calling it, say, unicorn-nb
, then add this to your ~/.ssh/config
Host unicorn-nb User noisebridge Hostname PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/.ssh/unicorn-nb
If your SSH pub key (~/.ssh/unicorn-nb.pub
) has been added to unicorn-nb:~/.ssh/authorized_keys
, you should now be able to shell in by typing
$ ssh unicorn-nb
...and thanks to the ~/.ssh/config
entry, the name of the server you're trying to SSH into -- namely unicorn-nb
in this case -- should autocomplete! Add your name to the access list below!
SSH Access[edit | edit source]
- @mpmckenna8 - Matt M
- @James - James
- @bfb
- mana
- Victoria
- @elimisteve
- @rando
- @spinda
- Ⅹ
- @marco
- jnaulty
- @r
- @jermops
- @culteejen
- @pml
- @croepha
- @Senoraraton - Claus
For SSH access, post to Discuss or visit the #Unicorn Slack channel and ask @jslack, @elimisteve.
DNS Access[edit | edit source]
noisebridge.info is registered on NameCheap.com . As of 2019.02.13, @mindfu, @elimisteve, and @jslack have permission to edit DNS (on NameCheap).
Keeping in mind that *.noisebridge.info
already points to Unicorn, if you nonetheless need to edit DNS, tell @elimisteve, @jslack, or @mindfu your NameCheap username or email.
Slack SSO[edit | edit source]
Services without their own authentication systems can be shielded a smidge from the ravages of the open internet by placing them behind the basic single sign-on (SSO) gateway at https://login.noisebridge.info.
In the target service's nginx configuration, add include snippets/auth-init.conf;
toward the start of the main server
block. Somewhere after that, add include snippets/auth-require.conf;
, either in the server
block or in the specific location
block(s) you want to protect. See /etc/nginx/sites-available/printprintprint.noisebridge.info
for an example.
Unauthenticated visitors will be redirected to Slack to sign in (via OAuth) with their Noisebridge Slack account, then redirected back to their destination. The login service injects a cookie to keep track of user sessions, and intercepts requests via nginx's auth_request
mechanism to check for the presence of a valid cookie. See https://printprintprint.noisebridge.info for what this looks like in the wild.
If configured on a reverse proxy-based service, the SSO gateway will automatically pass on the logged-in user's ID and Slack name via the X-Noisebridge-User-ID
and X-Noisebridge-User-Name
headers, respectively.
Note the intent here isn't to exclude anyone by requiring authentication, but to provide a modicum of protection against drive-by mischief for those services that need it (like OctoPrint).