I felt like I was surrounded by people smarter than me so I joined.
Messages from people who want Northpaws[edit | edit source]
Hello, I hope the custom of remarking on people's userpages is observed here - otherwise I'm defacing your page. Sorry!
I just read the article by Quinn Norton (, and wanted to know where I could buy a northpaw kit. I've been wanting one of these ever since I heard about the belt device, several months ago. The article says you guys are selling kits. Can you help me out? I don't want to post my email address here in its normal form, so I'll just say that my gmail username is "niko.barry".
ssh public-key[edit | edit source]
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAsLsZMGOQu/Y1kqVf52kFl4zFT4ogsVT43Rn9pVZv4vIHuwSRrHeFM2qIiVJBpKNh4ek2DnOoSKWpoX9ieXME6lh8bFLo3uwYVjacYIVZjCTz9MQOe1+78ePgiEjnycSLm5M2NbhUqC98WnwUAM2rxiYXWxImMuHyM5sIuzaiFuAFvjMThP9eJhnfAopVlk5i45sp+tlkKnMqZ1Etpj7fGo8QJhxGGPW5F7VKefNQpKYjPUZjNBdM86kopuMAoD9z1edLa345dUfYGtoRRwXNeGLyqQubdaIYxkCpzjaFbpFbrN8V2fHPcYCpYXcUFfLEt8YekjT5z7liAGVOLdOtsw== askory@ZhuangYuJi
/etc/passwd entry[edit | edit source]
% sudo adduser --gecos 'Adam Skory' askory