who am i?[edit | edit source]
I am a college grad, that maybe should have spent my time hacking rather than studying. I have spent countless hours on newsgroups, and more recently IRC. I mostly do white hat hacking, but we all get a bit curious sometimes. I have an xbox, xbox360, a ps3 (in IL with a friend), and a wii. I am interested in finding new ways to create experiences between machines and people. I feel some of those experiences will be sensory, others will involved emotional awareness, and we still need to do a better job connecting and sharing amongst people.
I like what the Wii has done, but we need to go farther. Webcams are way more plentiful and in theory produce a ton more information for the computer to compute than a Wiimote does. Have you seen the new logitech webcams? They come with software that allows one to over lay a digital mask. (it's a lot like book:snow crash) I would like to see this tech in flash, and as such it should become widely available to game and application designers. face tracking is a great way to do this, and there is already open source c# and as3 code in the field. if my hunch is right, we should be able to do what Johnny Lee has done with the Wiimote, with facetracking, thus bringing it into the browser.
Another project of mine is "geometric knowledge" the idea is two fold, one, information is not linear but rather networked and scales quickly like a geometric function; and two, the space between any two data points is integrally important. Most AI systems do not account for the density or spacial relationships of neurons, heck until Jeff Hawkings HTM networks they did not even account for time. I feel that the space between neurons allows for certain patterns like those in a chemical reactions. If you read the book Sync you may begin to understand why space is important for complex pattern development. So, in the case of hormones, or really complex chemicals, hormones affect the way we learn, react, and grow; they somehow have the power to really control the brain in ways that simple electrical signals do not. It's my conjecture that because chemicals are slow they allow for different patterns than a high speed electrical signal.
I have been looking into using GPUs to simulate a gemetric knowledge network, as well as other things.