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Ken M. Haggerty (b. 1989) is an alumnus of MIT and former contractor at Google. He previously lived in the Castro in San Francisco, CA.
Ken M. Haggerty[edit | edit source]
Ken was born in Louisville, KY, and grew up in Tokyo, Japan; London, UK; and Summit, NJ, USA. In 2011, Ken graduated from MIT with an S.B. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences and a minor in Architecture. Ken then worked for a year as a contractor at Google [x], where he did user experience research for Google's self-driving cars project.
Contact[edit | edit source]
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Projects[edit | edit source]
Noisebridge[edit | edit source]
- Noisebridge 5th Anniversay Fundraiser • Volunteered.
- Data2.Me • An experimental interface that makes it easier to explore what's available on Data.Gov. Data2.Me was created as part of the Aaron Swartz Memorial Hackathon.
- [http:// Membership Form] • Redesigned form.
External[edit | edit source]
- Akay • (upcoming) Find, make, and share any and every kind of list.
- Threeo • A beautiful new card game for iPhone® and iPod touch®.
- Self-Driving Cars • 2011-2012. Performed user experience research. Assisted in UI design and review.
- Google Glass • 2011. Ideation.
- Institute for Research in Cognitive Sciences • 2011. University of Pennsylvania.
- Technique, the Yearbook of MIT • 2008-2011. Managing Editor, Design Editor, Journal Editor, Darkroom Manager.
- Visual Statistics Group, MIT • 2011. Undergraduate research assistant.
- Computational Visual Cognition Laboratory, MIT • 2009-2010. Undergraduate research assistant.
- Arts Communication Council, MIT • 2010-2011. Member.