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Projects[edit | edit source]
- Various pieces of furniture including
- A bridge-inspired desk made of 1x2s and 3mm ply
- A coffee table
- A planter that hangs from my window and inside which everything I plant dies
- A garbage sorting stand
- Various shelves projects
- The body of an electric guitar
- [In progress] Designing a recumbent electric motorcycle frame made of plywood
- eBike
- Converted from a road bike
- Added a motorcycle headlight
- Added a front disk brake
- Added directional blinkers
- Added an anti-theft alarm
- LED picture frame
- Electric guitar
- Fixed up various pants that had holes in them
- Taylored a shirt to myself
- Made it too tight
- Tore the stitches and did it again
- Reinforced my crack climbing gloves
- Sewed a tarzan costume for a party out of vinyl leather
About me[edit | edit source]
1998, from Cuneo, Italy, proud nerd, music & sports enthusiast, love to discuss politics, looking forward to my first burn.
Contact[edit | edit source]
- NB Slack: @PangalacticGB
- NB Discord @pangalacticgb