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Coreboot / Thinkpad X220
Plan to partially liberate our many Thinkpad X220 laptops with coreboot for maximum fun.
Current Progress:
- Images Dumped
- SOIC8 test clip ordered
- flashrom toolchain built (raspberry pi + test clip)
- Coreboot compiled and configured for X220.
- Desolder OEM 8MB EEPROM and solder the 16MB EEPROM.
- Emulate coreboot rom (get a dev env up)
- Write coreboot rom to 16MB eeprom
- Get VGA working?
- Do further development by flashing internally.
Raspberry Cloud
A set of Raspberry Pi computers connected to the space.
Current Plan:
- Manage 7 raspberry pi computers with Salt Stack
- Destroy (redeploy clean) each computer automatically on a weekly rotation
- Name the computer after the day it gets destroyed
- Accessible to anyone that has registered a SSH key in Noisebridge's meatspace.
- All persons are expected to have sudo access to the servers they are using.
- All persons may not have access to all servers.
SSH Keys
Favorite Books
Title | Author | Notes |
Dune | Frank Herbert | |
Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid | Douglas Hofstadter | |
Fight Club | Chuck Palanhiuk | |
Contact | Carl Sagan | |
Sphere | Michael Crichton | |
CODE | Charles Petzold | |
At The Mountains of Madness | H.P. Lovecraft | |
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs | Abelson, Sussman, Sussman | finished chapter 1 (of 4) |
A Wizard of Earthsea | Ursula K. Le Guin | |
The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood | James Gleick | |
Cloud Atlas | David Mitchell | |
Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman | Richard P. Feynman | |
The Martian | Andy Weir | |
Siddhartha | Herman Hesse | |
Cryptonomicon | Neal Stephenson | |
The SIlence of the Lambs | Thomas Harris | |
We | Yevgeny Zamyatin | |
Altered Carbon | Richard Morgan | |
Neuromancer | William Gibson | |
Protector | Larry Niven | |
Ringworld Engineers | Larry Niven | |
Nonviolent Communication | Marshall Rosenberg | |
How to Win Friends and Influence People | Dale Carnegie | |
A Fire Upon the Deep | Vernor Vinge | |
Blood Meridian | Cormac McCarthy |
Clever Stuff
"There is no such joy in the tavern as upon the road thereto." - Cormac McCarthy
Has MU theorem-nature, or not? NO. - Hofstadter, GEB p259
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