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Category:Maintainers tracks active contributors to projects. These people know about projects, current status, future directions, and explored or unexplored possibilities. Talk to them!

For at least guilds (categ) and working groups (categ).

Current maintainers of active...

(maintainers) (Contact: Discord #fabrication-n-lasers)
(help maintain the space!) (Contact: Discord #facilities-aka-the-totally-secret-cabal-of-space-maintainers)

As you create new /Maintainers pages, include [[Category:Maintainers]] on them, so they're automatically listed here (in the footer) and the group can ensure they're kept up to date & helpful.

Quick navigation of category-tagged Guilds & Working Groups:

Drafting as tables[edit | edit source]

SafeSpaceWG JD, Mcint,User:Justinmorrison (add yourself)
SecWG Mcint, Daniel, Brennan, BrandonDHaskell (see SecWG/Maintainers for more)
WikiWG User:Mcint (join us)

Purpose of this page[edit | edit source]

This page aims to help standardize listings of who can help in the space. It aims to encourage use of subpages to list currently active maintainers, in a way that can be written once, and kept up to date by referenced inclusion, transclusion, elsewhere throughout the wiki. It's a method and pattern that helps bring helpful uniformity to

How this works[edit | edit source]

For each Working Group and Guild, we have a wiki page to track its projects, efforts, & activities.

For example, we have the Security WG.

  • At SecWG/Maintainers you can find a list of the people currently contributing to the working group, currently volunteering for ongoing responsibility. We're using a mw:subpage to keep it consistent & organized.
    • This page can be edited easily, and we have a clear history of past maintainers.
    • It's helpful here to also include a link to the subpage within the section that can be transcluded, so that no matter what other page it's transcluded into, anyone can easily click to view the authoritative source page.
  • We can easily include the list elsewhere with {{:SecWG/Maintainers}}, which uses the template Template:... syntax, with the special : prefix to template-include (Main), instead of Template: namespace pages.

Consistency we need to provide elsewhere[edit | edit source]

  • A /Maintainers subpage should exist on each working group or guild, which we can use as a reference target to selectively include a relevant summary, called mw:transclusion.
  • Requesting users include current preferred best-contact methods on their user pages, preferably in the header section, that renders in previews on mouseover of User: links, e.g. User:LX

On other pages, where we want to reference the current maintainers, people to contact about an effort, we can include the list of their wiki user names (with individual contact information), and the many places we've included by reference all update when we make a change to the maintainers page.

Template for maintainers pages[edit | edit source]

Version 0: Get it started[edit | edit source]

  • List of maintainers' names, linked to their user page on the wiki (a link to your your page can be found in the upper right of each page).
    • for example:

Mark, Mcint

written as
[[User:Mwillson|Mark]], [[User:Mcint|]]
  • Please use the name you're known by in the space or at least online, at least a stable pseudonym, if you wish to be effective.
  • For matching page names to prose, or, here, giving a more helpful display name when linking to a wiki user,
    • [[User:Mcint]] renders as User:Mcint
    • [[User:Mcint|]] (note "|") strips bits, rendering as Mcint
    • [[User:Mcint|Loren]] renders as Loren

Version 1: Make it easy to use[edit | edit source]

  • To improve on this, include a link to the page with text link "edit", "add yourself", or "join us" -- and using a link, copy the page name from your URL bar ( [[WikiWG/Maintainers|edit]] )

Mark, Loren/Mcint (edit)

written as
[[User:Mwillson|Mark]], [[User:Mcint|Loren/Mcint]] ([[WikiWG/Maintainers|edit]])

Version 2: add helpful context, careful to limit what gets included[edit | edit source]

Since we're using these pages for transclusion, we need be mindful of all the places the text will end up rendered, potentially confusingly, into other pages.

We can use the < onlyinclude>...</onlyinclude > pseudo-HTML markup tags for mediawiki, to specify what gets included on other pages.

Note well, we're using

  • onlyinclude, "oi"! if you like.
    • We are not using
      • includeonly on these pages, nor the related
      • noinclude.
  • The mw:transclusion page addresses these un
  • These tags interact in different, unique, unexpected ways with <pre>, <code>, and <nowiki> tags that you might use to style or escape wiki syntax.
  • "onlyinclude"d lines should stay on one line, so we're not breaking the flow of other pages.
...brief if any summary
...optional <blockquote> to call out '''onlyinclude''' section of page, for easy viewing
< onlyinclude>[[User:Mwillson|Mark]], [[User:Mcint|Loren/Mcint]] ([[WikiWG/Maintainers|edit]])</onlyinclude >
...close </blockquote>
...links to other resources related to the page and group -- normal wiki content, grouped in sections, etc

Pages in category "Maintainers"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.